Remount/ Refurb/ Repair

Complete refurbishment and remounting services for all makes of fire apparatus

Bodies Built to Last

Swab Wagon Company offers complete remounting and refurbishing services for all makes of fire apparatus. We perform all natures of structural, electrical, and cosmetic work, including rust/corrosion repair, body modifications, re-wiring, lighting/equipment upgrades, 120/240V power upgrades, full repaints, and lettering/striping. We also offer pump and valve rebuilds.

In the Northeast U.S., a Swab sales representative will come to your station to look at the apparatus in person, perform a full inspection of the apparatus, and provide you a written proposal on the work. Depending on the nature of the work, at Swab’s discretion, we will provide a written specification with price quotation, or provide a written scope of work with a price estimate and a stated labor rate

Chassis come and go. Your Swab Body doesn't have to.

Contact us today for more information on remounting, refurbing, or repairing your Swab Body!
Swab Wagon Co.